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Hello frends are u looking to make assignments for u r schools or colleges yeah u obviously search for handy ebooks but Are not you and frustrated to read text from E-books available online and type it again on MsWord as these e-books are secured or protected and cannot be copied. Secured e-books are obviously good for the author as it helps to reduce the piracy of books from original authors, but if you want to use it for your own work then just follow these simple steps to copy contents from such protected PDF files.
Steps for Copying Text from PDF Files
Download any PDF-to-word converter which converts .pdf files to .doc files. One such tool is available for free .Screenshot is given below.
Install the software on your PC by double clicking on the set-up.
Click Browse and select your PDF file, then click to convert it into your word file. It’s better to keep the other option as it is.
Edit, Copy or do whatever changes you want to do in your word file. You can even add images to it.
This is a visual basic script file that will pop up an message which requires you to write something... when you write it and press ok your computer will tell what you typed
Paste This Code on your notepad and save it as talk.vbs
Dim userInput
userInput = InputBox("Write a message for me to say")
Set Sapi = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
Sapi.speak userInput
This tutorial applies to your hard disk before installing windows.
In windows xp.
In windows 7. Instructions: 1. Use the exact amount given in the list below. Don't worry if the size automatically changed when you enter the size just put it. 2. Normally continue your installation. 3. Wait until windows is fully installed. 4. Then check your hard disk if it is in exact size by right clicking it then properties. (see attachment below)
Let me show you how to lock a folder without a software!
1- make a new folder ( name it as you like )
2- inside this folder make a ( TXT ) file & copy inside it this (the entire thing)
: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End
if you want safest way, use Batch File Compilerinstead of using the notepad application.
3- After u copy the Commanding go to line 23 (or try using shortcut- CTRL+F and type password to locate the line) u will find this word : password here (Change it with any password u like.) is :
eg: if NOT %pass%== narnia1234 goto FAIL //so ur password here becomes narnia1234 .//
4- After that go to save as & name this file as "locker.bat "
5- Now back to the folder & u will find a ( LOCKER ) commanding. (locker.exe)
6- Double Click on it & u will find a new folder (Private )
7- Ok ,, now copy what u want in this "private Folder" & after that come out of the folder, and Double click on locker again. It will open and ask if you want to lock your folder? Y/N ?
8- Type Y. your private folder will dissapear.
9- If you want to UNLOCK your folder ,go to (locker) & type your pass and you will see your private folder.
it not only hides the fodler, but incase, u unhide all files... and try opening it without entering password, it'l take u to the control panel...
If you want safest way, use Batch File Compiler instead of using the notepad
1. What is a Driver? 2. Why do I need to update 3. Finding Out the Manufacturer and Model of Your Device 4. Determining the current version of your driver 5. Finding the latest driver 6. Downloading the driver update 7. Installing the Driver update 8. Conclusion
What is a Driver?
A driver is a program that is able to control a device that is connected to your computer. These drivers are used by the operating system to enable it to communicate with the particular device the driver was made for. Devices that you connect to your computer are often very specialized which makes it so Windows can not communicate directly with the device without a program telling it how to. This program, or device driver, acts as a translator between the installed device and the programs that utilize the device.
Why do I need to update?
By default Windows contains generic drivers for many different types of hardware connected to your computer. Unfortunately, many of these drivers that are bundled with Windows tend to be generic and do not support all of the advanced features of the hardware being installed. Therefore you would want to download and install the driver created by the hardware manufacturer so that Windows understands how to use these special features.
Also as time goes by, hardware manufacturers release new versions of their drivers to fix bugs, increase performance, increase stability on your computer, or add new features. When these drivers are released it is recommended that you upgrade your driver to take advantage of these new enhancements.
When new drivers are released they tend to come in two types of updates. The first type is a program that you run that will automatically update the driver for you and then prompt you to reboot your computer. The second type is a set of driver files that you need to manually update the drivers with. This tutorial will focus on teaching you how to upgrade your driver using both methods.
Finding Out the Manufacturer and Model of Your Device
Before we begin updating your driver, we need to know the manufacturer and model number for the device. This is a pretty simple problem to overcome. Simply look at your device for a brand name, and that should be the manufacturer. For example I am looking at my modem and on the top it says "Binatone". Pretty simple huh!
To find the “model” of your device look at the back/bottom of your device for a code (my modem's is ADSL 2000). If this does not work, try looking in the paperwork that came with your device and see if you can find it there.
On the other hand, if you have an internal device that is not easily accessible, it may be difficult for you to find the make and model for it (for example a video card). For internal devices you should use the Device Manager to find out this information:
Click on the Start button in the bottom right hand corner of your desktop as shown below:
Click on the Control Panel menu option to open the Control Pane as shown below:
Double-click on the System icon as shown below:
Click on the Hardware tab at the top of the box (red arrow), then click on the box which says Device Manager (blue arrow) as shown below:
A window will appear which contains a list of the devices on your computer like the image below.
You will need to click on the plus (+) arrow next to the hardware category for the driver you want to update (red arrow). For my continuing example of updating a video driver I would click on the plus (+) arrow next to display adapters (where video cards reside). After clicking on the (+) sign, the category will open listing the devices that are installed on your computer that fall under this category of hardware. You should see your video card listed and you would make a note of the make and model of the card you wish to update. Stay in the current window, as the following steps will continue from here.
Determining the current version of your driver
Before you upgrade your driver, you want to determine whether or not you have the latest version. When developers create drivers they assign a version number to it. Each time the manufacturer releases a new update to this driver, they increase the version number. In this way you can determine if you have the latest version of the driver by comparing the version number of your currently installed driver to the version number of the driver currently . So if there version number is higher than yours, you know that there is a newer version available for download.
To determine the current version of your driver you would do the following:
While in the device manager, as described above, you need to click on the (+) arrow next to the category of device you want to update (red arrow). Then right click on the device which you would like the update. Again, in my example I would right click on the Radeon 9500 pro / 9700 which the blue arrow is pointing at.
After right clicking a list of options will appear. Click properties:
A new windows will open, which will display the various properties of your device. Click on the Driver tab in the top of the window (red arrow). Then look at the details in the Driver Version line (blue arrow):
Write down this version number so you can reference it later.
Finding the latest driver
So, now that you know the name, model, and version number of your device it is time to determine if there is a newer driver available for you to use. The easiest way to find a updated driver is to check the manufacturer’s web site. This will ensure you have the latest and most up-to-date drivers available for your device. Finding your manufacturers web site should be pretty simple. Using the example above, I found my device manufacturer for my video card was ATI radeon. Usually the manufacturer’s web site is its name with standard internet tags around the end (www. and .com). If you are unable to find the website this way, try going to searching for the name there. Usually the first entry should be the official manufacturer’s site:
When you find the address of the manufacturer, go to the site and have a look around. It would be impossible to give instructions for each manufacturer, but you should be looking for a drivers page. On some manufacturer's sites the Drivers link is prominent. On others you generally need to go into their support section to find the updated drivers. If that does not work, you can search for it on the site. After taking a good look around the manufacturer’s site, you should have found the driver section for your device. However, in the event that you are unable to find a driver section, there are a number of handy sites which collect all the drivers available into an alphabetical list by manufacturer name. My favorite is It has an up-to-date list of available drivers, and is very easy for novices to navigate around. This step is the only part of the tutorial where I cannot give you specific instructions; it varies too much from brand to brand.
If you have found the drivers page, simply compare the version number of the driver they have available for download to the version number you retrieved earlier. If their version number is higher, then they have an updated driver for your machine. If it is the same version, then there is no newer driver available.
Downloading the driver update
When you have found driver update for your device that is newer that the one you have installed, simply go back to the manufacturers site/or driverzone, and find the newer driver. Click on the download link to this file and you should be prompted with a download box. If you use Internet Explorer it will look like so:
You should save your driver update download to the desktop. This is so that the file can be easily found later on. To do this, click save and setting the Save In pathname as Desktop (red arrow) and press the Save button.
So now you should have the file placed neatly on your desktop for easy access.
You should extract these files to the desktop now. If on the other hand, the file is an executable (ends with .exe), then move on to the next section.
Installing the Driver update
To launch the driver update program you would look for the program that you downloaded or extracted. The setup file should look something like this:
Double-click on the setup file and follow the on screen instructions to install the update. When the driver has finished installing, it will usually prompt you to reboot. Reboot your machine and you should now be using the updated drivers.
If on the other hand, there is no setup.exe file or other executable to run, then you will need to manually update the driver through the Device Manger. Using the previous instructions open the Device Manger. Using the drop down plus (+), open the category of the device you want to update and select the device by clicking on it once to highlight it. Right-click on the device and click Properties. Now click on the Driver tab and then click on the Update Driver button:
A wizard will begin in a new window. If the Wizard asks Can Windows connect to Windows Update to search for software? select the option labeled No, not this time and press the Next button. You will now see a screen similar to the one below
Click on the option labeled Install from a list of specific location (Advanced) (red arrow). Then click next (blue arrow). A screen will open similar to the one below.
Select the option labeled Don't search. I will choose the driver to install. (red arrow) and press the Next button. A new screen may come up showing compatible hardware. Simply press the Have Disk button.
Then click on the Browse button and navigate to the folder on your desktop where you extracted the driver files. Once you are navigated to that folder you will see something like below.
You will see a list of .inf files that contain the information about the driver update found in that folder. Select the .inf file (red arrow) and press the Open button (blue arrow). Then press the OK button. You will now see a list of compatible hardware. Select the driver and press the Next button. Windows will copy the updated driver to your system. When it is done, press the Finish button.
You will now be back at the properties page for your device. If you look at the version, you should see that the version number now corresponds to the new driver you just installed. You can now press the Close button and exit the Device Manager.
After following the above instructions, you should be able to update your device drivers. This will be useful for meeting minimum requirements for applications/software, to fix bugs that out-of-date drivers may be causing, or to improve the performance of your hardware.
Does fear of losing your important data haunts you? If yes, you must read and follow this post. You can take a backup of important documents on a regular basis. This is also helpful in case there is some need of carrying your data from one computer to another. The windows backup utility is simple to use. Lets see a hands on how to take the backup for your important data.
Step 1. Open My Computer. Right Click on C drive and click properties. Go to tools tab and click Backup now, this will open Backup Utility.
Step 2. Click the Backup tab, set the Backup destination path for Backup file by pressing the Browse button at the left bottom.
Step 3. Select the files and folders which you want to backup.
Step 4. Press button Start Backup.
Step 5. After finish of backup go to the Backup destination path which you select in Step 2. There you can see a backup file "backup.bkf" (without the quote) Done!
You can use this file to extract the backed up data on the same computer or other computer in case of data loss. Store your backup file in some external media and keep it safe. Hope it will give you some peace of mind! You might be thinking as of how to restore the backup data in case you need it right? Then follow this steps to restore your backup data.
Step 1. Double click on the Backup.bkf file, it will launch the Backup Utility.
Step 2. Select Restore and Manage Media tab.
Step 3. Select the file from which you want to extract the backup. Also select the path at which you want to restore the data.
Step 4. Press Start Restore. It will show a pop-up screen to Confirm restore. Press Ok. This will initiate the restore, wait for it to complete the restore and Press Close when its done. That's it! Done! Now simply go to the Restore path you have selected in step 3 and verify that all the backup files are restored correctly. I hope this somehow helped you. You can hit thanks if it did.
Windows 7 Splash Screen is the small clip that plays while booting your PC, laptop which show the windows logo saying "Starting Windows" which is around for a few seconds. Now if booting quickly is important to you then you can choose to remove and disable that splash screen which save you around 6-8 seconds of your boot time.
Speed Up Boot Time: Remove Windows Splash Screen
Follow steps below to disable Windows 7 splash screen…
Step 1: Access System Configuration Tool. Press (windows key) + R and type in msconfig and press Enter or search for "System Configuration" in windows 7 program search from the start menu.
Step 2: In the System Configuration window click on the Boot tab. Now check the "No GUI Boot" option enabled.
Step 3: Click Apply and OK and Restart to see the settings in action.
The next time your pc boots it goes directly to the windows logon screen without wasting few seconds on the windows splash screen.
Note: Working and effective in Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit, so far wala pa naman akong naeencounter na problem.
Is a new virus that now conquering all computers by storm, now it is famous but said that cannot be detect by some anti-virus and spyware applications.
This file can perform following behavior
•File is created as process on the disk.
•This process can create, delete or modify files on the disk.
•Folders change its icon.
•Document folder always open after opening the desktop
•Can't open WINDOWS in hard disk
How to Remove
1. Close any application, browser and your anti-virus.
2. Download ComboFix, we need it to remove the FUvirus.
3. Open notepad and copy/paste the text in the quotebox below into it:
- Look under the "BOOT.INI" tab. You will see a box labeled "Timeout:", and a numerical value. By default, it's 30, which means 30 seconds of wait time before boot. This can be changed, make it 3 seconds. (Note: if you have more than one operating system, this means the wait time to startup to the highlighted Operating System. Sometimes you might want a bit more than 3 seconds than you can opt 5 or 10 seconds). Apply and click Ok.
2. Delete The Temporary Files Periodically From Your Computer To Make The Applications Run Faster. Type %Temp% in the run dialog box by clicking on Start -> Run, and click on "OK". You will see an open folder with many files. Click on the Edit menu and click on Select all and then click on the File menu and select Delete. Note: Always confirm that the folder which is opened has a "temp" on the top of menu bar and the folder indicates that it is a temporary folder.
3. Perform a Scandisk To See That Your Computer Hard Drive is in Healthy Condition and it helps Your Computer Run Faster.
4. Always Perform a Disk Defragmentation at least once in a month. Start the disk defragmentation from the system tools available in the accessories from the start menu. It takes a longer time and it is advised not to run any applications in the computer including the screen savers, while running disk defragmentation.
5. Clean Windows Registry Regularly using some tweaking applications such as advanced system care, tune up utilities, etc.
Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
Instruction: 1. Download old version IDM. 2. In sys-Tray exit IDM (if it is running) 3. then Double-click the Installer to install